Question people wonder how to upgrade chase sapphire preferred to reserve today we’re talking about when you should upgrade the Chase Sapphire Preferred to the chase Fi reserve
Ok so let’s go ahead and get started with the Chase Sapphire
Preferred when you should do the upgrade and now this is not a hard and fast rule
so there are certain things that you might have that you might have different
circumstances so I’m just going to talk about in my situation when I would
consider upgrading. I do have the Chase Sapphire reserve right now and I also
have the Chase Sapphire Preferred because I had the Chase Sapphire
Preferred prior to the Chase Sapphire reserve launch and when they launched to
chase a fire reserve I jumped on it so I still have both cards I usually taste
Sapphire Preferred right now as referrals I mean I get so many referrals
on that card so that’s the reason why I’m keeping that card
Now when you’re looking at the cards the first thing that you want to think about the first
thing that I would think about in situation is how much do I eat out and
in my situation I eat out a lot so I will eat out when I’m going to work at
least once a day I’m going I’m getting a meal so that’s at least $10 every meal
every day all right a Monday through Friday and then on the weekends it
depends on the situation but I do eat out more than most people
so I can benefit from from getting that Chase Sapphire Reserve so I can earn
more points with the taste Fi Reserve because I’m giving 3 points every dollar
spent at restaurants whereas with the Chase Sapphire Preferred you’re only
getting 2 points every dollar spent so that’s the first thing I would look at
The next thing we want to look at is lounge access so a lot of us in prior to
getting the Chase Sapphire reserve I didn’t really know anything about
lounges I’d never stayed in the lounge or anything like that
but now I swear by them anytime I go to the airport I’m always using the lounge
because for one they have free water free sodas free alcohol free snacks so
you have a place to go that’s quiet you also get free Wi-Fi too which is
nice that’s quiet and you you can kind of get away from everyone and then you
have these free things that you don’t have to pay for and I used to go to the
gift shops all the time and get water and get things like that for the plane
well now I have access to these same things and a lounge so it just makes
that whole travel experience a lot better so I I recommend people at least
go into a lounge to kind of see how it is some some other cards will give you
maybe a couple of passes a couple of free lounge passes or you can also get
on eBay and you can get like the United Club passes.
Now the United Club is not it’s not the nicest lounge that you’re gonna be in but it will kind of give you
an idea of how things work in and how you can really benefit from a lounge by
getting some of these different things that you would normally buy when you’re
at the airport so you have to look at that so is this a benefit that’s
something that’s that that I that I’m good with or is this something that
really not worth it to me a lot of people bring their food so they’ll bring
food to the airport which you can do you can’t bring liquids but you can bring
food snacks and things like that so if you prepare ahead you can do that and
you don’t need a lounge but it’s something to think about that would also
kind of steer me to ok the Chase Sapphire Reserve is good because of this
something else I want to talk about is Global Entry so if you’re not if you’re
not familiar with Global Entry global issue will allow you to kind of get in
front of everyone online so you’ll have a separate line that you go to and you
don’t have to do a lot of things like you would normally have to do at the
airport take off your shoes take your computer out of the bag and all that
kind of stuff you you’re able to skip all that because you have if you have
Global Entry you also have TSA PreCheck now the way that Global Entry is
different than TSA PreCheck is when I’m entering re-entering the country so
let’s say I go out to Mexico then I’m on my way back when I’m on my way back in I
go through a separate line again I go through a kiosk and I don’t have to go
through the the normal customs process so all I do is go to the kiosk put the
information and put my passport on there put my fingerprints on there and then
I’m able to just go right through though they’ll it’ll print out his ticket for
me and I take that ticket to the customs agent and then I’m on my way so it’s a
lot faster process it does a little bit more to get that but they
give you this hundred dollar credit with the taste fi reserved but you do have to
you have to go for an interview sit down with the interview talk with the customs
agent just kind of explain your travel history and all that kind of stuff and so they do do a little bit of background I say they know your trusted traveler
that’s what that’s what that means so another thing to think about if you
want to get the Chase Sapphire reserve you get that you’re gonna get that
hundred dollar credit there now one thing that I didn’t mention that I think
I should mention is the difference between the two cars as far as the
annual fee so the annual fee for the Chase Sapphire Preferred is $95 the
annual fee for the Chase Sapphire reserve is $450 and so you can see right
there that’s a big difference and that might sway you one way or the other but
with the Chase Sapphire reserve you are going to get a $300 travel credit and
that brings me to the next portion of the next thing you need to think about
how much do you travel so if you don’t travel enough let’s say one or two times
a year Chase Sapphire Preferred is probably going to be a better fit for
you if you do travel three four or more times per year then you might want to
consider getting that TFI reserve because you can get all those benefits
that I was talking about the Global Entry really makes sense at that point
the the lounge access really makes sense and plus the three hundred dollar travel
credit you’ll have no problem using that travel credit if you travel a lot
so those are other things that you need to think about and the last thing I want to
talk about too and this can be a strategy if you don’t plan on traveling
right this minute let’s say you’re you know you want to travel in a year or two
years the sign up bonus for the Chase Sapphire Preferred right now is sixty
thousand the signup bonus for the Chase Sapphire Reserve is is fifty thousand so
you’ll get an extra ten thousand if you sign up for the Chase Sapphire Preferred
and then upgrades but you have to wait a year you can’t upgrade prior to that
year so you’re gonna have to wait that time and then at the end so when you’re
when you’re ready to pay your annual fee again you can call up chase and listen
oh hey am I eligible to upgrade this card and then they’ll go ahead and work
their magic and get you the card the Chase Sapphire reserve now you do need
to have a credit limit with the chase after I reserve the credit limit needs
to be ten thousand so if you have the Chase Sapphire Preferred right now and
your credit limit is let’s say five thousand well they need to see if you
qualify for 10,000 so they’re gonna have to do
something to figure out if you if you do qualify now if you have some other chase
cards they might be able to move some credit around and allow you to to get
the Chase Sapphire reserve but you have to start at ten thousand they don’t they
don’t approve people under ten thousand as far as credit limit so that’s what I
think about the chase if I preferred upgrading when you should upgrade I
think really it comes down to your traveling habits if you travel a lot
that it really makes sense if you do not travel that much then I think you’re
safe for just saying what the Chase Sapphire Preferred because there are
some benefits in the chase EFI Reserve that you’re just not going to be able to
get so that’s my that’s my advice when it comes down to it but more importantly
I wanna know what you guys think so in the comment section what do you think
you should upgrade from the Chase Sapphire Preferred the Chase Sapphire
reserve do you think you should do it at all do you think you should just bypass
the taste that I preferred and just get the Chase Sapphire Reserve and not do
like a thing I was talking about where you’re getting the Chase Sapphire
Preferred first get to 60,000 sign-on bonus and then get the Chase Sapphire
reserve in one year what do you guys think about that please let me know down
below if you like this video please give me a thumbs up please subscribe for more
and check out these videos over here for some more great content talk to you
hey credit warriors well shots have been fired yesterday American Express announced a new hundred and twenty dollars uber credit on the gold card plus it eats pass on the green gold and platinum and today chase has fired back with their own offer on the sapphire preferred sapphire reserve and jp morgan reserve cards which is a credit for peloton membership you know the makers of those ridiculously expensive bikes and treadmills now I’m going to read out what they say so this is from a chase press release reserve card members will earn up to 120 in statement credits on peloton digital and all access memberships through December 31st, 2021. preferred card members earn up to 60 in statement
credits on peloton digital and all access memberships through December 31 2021 and the jp morgan reserve actually gets the same offer as the sapphire reserve now I know what you’re thinking here do you actually need the peloton bike for all this well the answer is actually no so this is for the digital access and there are two tiers of membership the more expensive one you do need peloton hardware such as the bike or treadmill or whatever but for the digital access only you actually do not need any penalton hardware it’s 12.99 I think it is a month and you get access to an app where you can you know to join various fitness classes and all that kind of stuff you don’t need any pelton
hardware so that lady in the commercial she didn’t need to get all emotional about her bike a peloton give it up for a first time ride all right first ride I’m a little nervous but excited she didn’t even need a bike she could have got the digital access and saved like two thousand dollars now how do you set this up well right now uh there is a landing page a url where you can enroll your card, okay this comes straight from the chase press release um obviously I think within the next few hours or a day or so they’re going to probably be sending out emails, uh they’ll probably have a pop-up on you know chase website when you log into your account but as of now a recording of this video still early there’s nothing like that so we just have the landing page from the press
release from chase okay and I’ll link to the press release down in a comment or something but anyway this is the direct link to the landing page you just go there you enter your card numbers etc and the credit will be applied automatically uh to your card for your spending on the pelton memberships now what do I think about this well I think that uh you know comparing it to what amex just brought in on the uber credit I think uber is a lot more universal than peloton so uber is definitely going to benefit more people okay with both uber and uber eats however with this peloton thing if you are even remotely into fitness and workouts and stuff like that you might as well try out at least the digital access um but it’s not like chase just giving you money I mean an uber credit it’s literally I can use uber every month for ubereats
and I’m literally saving that money for peloton this would be something I might try it but it would be something that I wouldn’t have done otherwise so it’s not really saving me money but you know it is definitely a cool thing to try out but uh if we’re talking about a battle between amex and chase I think amex wins on this one however they did say this in their press release this is the first step in a broader collaboration to provide sapphire card members more value when using their card with peloton so you know maybe there will be some things in the pipeline for example maybe even a discount on bikes or something if you want to buy a bike I don’t know but it does indicate that they’re going to be doing more with the peloton in the future right now we also have news of a hundred thousand points sign up offer with the chase sapphire reserve, okay and this comes from my fico forum post
by someone who got this mail in the office so this is a targeted mailing offer you can’t find this on their website but anyway here’s what he said chase sapphire reserve special offer approved 35.5 k I assume that is his credit limit all right 35 000 this is his final application for 2020. so he received a targeted mailer he was approved instantly for 35 000 and it had been a pre-approved offer for the chase sapphire reserve hundred thousand bonus points for ten thousand dollars in spending uh i assume that was in three months but get this the annual fee was also waived for the first year and then after that it would be 550 and he could also get two authorized users with their 75 annual fees waived as well and then the guy just gives a little bit of information about you know his situation his credit scores 761 with equifax 762 with experian he’s got 50 000 on deposit with chase premier plus checking which you know it’s not huge actually it’s a fair bit but it’s not huge and he got a 600 bonus for that so yeah very cool 100 000 point offer spending requirement obviously is double what it is on uh the public offer for 50 000 points okay 10 000 um dollars spending in the first three months but then you’ve got to remember that the annual fee is waived so you have to do more spending but uh you’re gonna save 550 in the first year and you
get two authorized users and your fees waived as well so yeah pretty cool offer um obviously not everyone is going to get this it’s a targeted mail-in offer so if you are targeted um you’ll receive it so do just look out keep checking your mailboxes guys if you want this but other than that yeah just hang tight in there maybe you’ll get it maybe you won’t anyway guys what do you think of the new benefits on these chase cards please leave your comments below subscribe if you’re new um if you want a sapphire card i would recommend starting with the sapphire preferred it’s currently got an 80 000 point sign up bonus i’ll put the link for that below so you can learn more about it also the chase freedom flex five percent uh or five points per dollar bonus at grocery stores at the moment as well so i’ll put that link below too you can learn more about both of those cards thanks so much for watching guys and we’ll see you next time bye
Hey I’m adam Jusko from can I get chase to waive the annual fee on my chase sapphire preferred well I gave it a try today and I’m here to report the results but first I’m gonna ask you to please subscribe to this youtube channel if you have not already and if you have already I thank you for doing so so about a month ago I made a video saying I was trying to decide whether I wanted to keep or close this chase sapphire preferred I was sort of leaning toward keeping it for another year or I have been but I decided why don’t I give chase a call and see if I can get that annual fee waived instead and then it would be an easy decision I haven’t really used the card much I actually found out today I haven’t even used it since June but I would like to keep it if I can
So anyway I decided to give them a call and say I would make a trade I would remain their customer if they would waive the annual fee which I thought was more than fair so I’ve had some success getting annual fees waived in the past from other card issuers usually what you want to do if you are trying to get a fee waived is actually wait for that fee to show up on your statement and then when you see it that’s the time to call in and see if you can get it waived and get that removed so I saw the 95 annual fees for the chase sapphire preferred had shown up on my statement and so I gave chase a call so I got the chase rep on the phone and she asked me what she could do for me and I said well I have this chase sapphire preferred and I’ve seen the annual fee is now on
my statement but I haven’t really been using the card but I would like to hold on to the card so I want to see if that annual fee can be waived and she said yes I can help you with that and so I was feeling pretty good about myself and then I realized that when she said yes I can help you with that it only meant yes it is my job to help you because you are a chase customer not yes we will waive the annual fee because the next thing she said was well we don’t waive the annual fee for that card so I said well that’s too bad I am thinking about canceling the card I really have not used it too much so there’s no possible way to waive that annual fee or maybe there is a retention offer and then she said sounding kind of bored, to be frank, I could downgrade it to a no annual fee card and then I said well I haven’t completely decided yet so those are
my only choices either keep that annual fee there’s no retention offer no possibility or just to downgrade and then she said would you like to add an authorized user and i said huh what does that have to do with anything so i was getting a little frustrated and i didn’t feel like i was making much headway with this chase rep so i decided as sort of a last-ditch effort to play the celebrity card so i said maybe you didn’t notice when you took the call but right now you’re actually talking to adam jusko of the proud money youtube channel yeah she said she wasn’t familiar with that channel but that i should check out this other channel she really liked called ask sebby at that point i wanted to get off the phone and so i told her i needed to think about it a little bit longer and she told me that i shouldn’t wait too long because otherwise they wouldn’t refund that 95 if i decided to cancel the card past the next statement date so a little of that story is embellished but bottom line the fact that chase was not willing to work with me at
all is completely true and it didn’t really surprise me i thought i’d give it a shot never hurts to ask but chase is sort of in the driver’s seat these days in terms of credit card companies they don’t need to do anything really to retain people they’ve got more than enough people coming in as new customers i think so i’m really not that important to them and i was not surprised that they weren’t going to work with me so i’m going to hold on to my chase sapphire preferred for one more year i’m gonna give them one more chance here and if they don’t do anything new to the card next year i definitely am going to cancel it but with the changes that have happened to the chase freedom cards over the past few months it’s really hard for me to believe that this chase sapphire preferred is just going to stay what it is right now for a whole nother year so i’m assuming that in 2021 we’re going to see some new things happen here a revamp of the chase sapphire preferred and perhaps the chase sapphire reserve as well so i’m going to sort of for now hold on to it see what happens and you know if it doesn’t change next year then it’s out of there so that’s it questions comments suggestions stories about how you got chase to waive the annual fee i would love to hear all of it in the comments section below otherwise i and as always please go to where we do credit card reviews we talk personal finance we talk deals and all sorts of other fun stuff too bye
Boom all right guys so American express continues to fire shots and they’re doing one hell of a good job with it now just a few months ago in the middle of the lockdown we know that credit card stuff was at an all-time low take this article as an example in the month of may banks mailed roughly 74 million credit card offers to people’s homes down from more than 300 million in the months preceding the pandemic
Or if you still don’t believe me check out this consumer finance special report done by the federal reserve bank of philadelphia
as the kombucha 19 crisis evolves lenders continue to respond with the mix of caution and consolation reducing the availability of credit to new customers while offering protections to existing ones as of the writing of this report we do not observe lenders closing accounts reducing credit lines or increasing prices we do however observe the following number one april direct mail volume is down 33 from a year ago number two marketing spent on digital acquisition campaigns is down 58 from pre-pandemic levels number three application success rates are down across the board 13.6 percent lower for consumers with a risk score of 760 or greater since december number four the dollar value of new credit card alliance is down across the board 61 percent lower for consumers with a risk score below 580 and 42 percent lower for those with a score above 720 and number five credit limit increases are down from about one percent of accounts in march to just point four percent of accounts in april out of all the big banks and credit card companies american express continues to do a great job in providing extra value to their consumers now check out this article done by american banker back in april 24th of 2020. they stated with the kombucha pandemic paralyzing business across the globe american express is continuing to stress that small business owners are accepting the cards and younger consumers find value in amex rewards if these two audience continue to stand by american express it will keep the revenue ship steady next month american express will continue planned refreshes on a number of its card products squirrey said we’ll see enhancements to cards not air hotel related to provide more utility to the cards in general and this is exactly what we’ve been seeing he also mentioned our ability to add other values and credits in a couple of months will serve us well we want to continue to maintain the price value that we strive to have with these cards at the end of the article he also stated our intent is to come out of this very strong as we did in 2009 and after the internet bubble so in this video we’re gonna be going over exactly what those extra added benefits with american express are and i’m also gonna show some love to chase we’re gonna be talking about the current situation with one of chase’s best cards right now which is the freedom flex card as well now guys before i get started with this video it’s been about like a week since i last posted a video and it feels like it’s been a really long time since i actually recorded and at the time of this recording it’s the beginning of november time is flying we have two months left before this year is over and i’m trying to do a thing where i post a little bit more consistently throughout the next few months before 2020 comes to a close so i need your help and i need you guys to comment down below what kind of videos you guys want to see me post next all right to start off american express has unveiled a couple new offers to their tab and i wanted to discuss how american express offers work and what you should do if you hold any one of their cards so right before i film this video i was actually going through the offers tab and i was actually seeing a pretty good amount of unique offers out on the table i know that if i’m a little bit more disciplined in checking my offers regularly i definitely would have saved a lot of money got a lot more points than if i didn’t check it before out of my mistake in my error it’s going to be your lesson to learn right now after this video because you you have to watch the entire video so the youtube algorithm knows that people like watching this video after this video is over make sure you go onto your american express offers tab i will have it linked down below in the description so you guys don’t have to search at google or whatever you guys can just take it right there log on to your account and add all of these american express offers and i think the most interesting offer that i personally found on my cards was getting 25 back on best buy if i spent 250 now with holidays coming up black friday coming up i know that i’m gonna have the chance to at least buy something for someone that i can definitely get a discount on using this promotion now so if you guys are interested at all in buying some tech or some gear or preparing the holiday pre-black friday sales for yourself you can go ahead use this offer if you have a good deal online or whatever you’re trying to buy make sure you use one of your american express cards after you’ve activated this offer now with regards to american express offers i want to share this one little secret tip with you and that is to always use american express offers even if you don’t think you’re ever going to go to any of the restaurants now i’m not saying go ahead and add all 100 of them every time you see them loaded onto your account but you should definitely be adding at least 10 to 20 different offers onto your account so anytime there is a targeted offer through amex offers it will load it onto your account because it’s not going to be full with all the pre-loaded ones that you haven’t actually used so if american express is coming out with some type of unique targeted offer that only a couple people are getting you want to increase your chances the most and to do that you just got to use a couple more offers and guys keep in mind this is all free stuff all this costs you is just a little bit of time not even that much so go ahead use your american express offers and if you see anything that you plan on maybe going on a date night out on these are all free ways for you to save money with the credit cards that you have easy ways to maximize the cash you get don’t forget about amex offers free value now another thing i wanted to discuss in this video was actually talk about the increased welcome bonuses that we recently heard of from some of american express’s most popular and staple cards so the american express gold card has a new public offer instead of 35 000 mr points they’re offering you 60 000 mr points within a six month time span of four thousand dollars in spend that is absolutely insane not only one are you getting a higher welcome bonus than most people got when they first signed up for the revamped version of the gold card and also the rose gold card for any of my ogs that remember that one now they are increasing that minimum spend requirement time as well but guys three months to six months is a very long time for anyone to reach that minimum spend requirement to achieve this welcome bonus for this card i definitely wouldn’t sleep on this offer and if you’re someone who’s been hesitant about getting the gold card this is definitely a good enough offer for anyone right now looking to sign up for a card like that now aside from the sixty thousand and six months spend offer we’re also seeing another one this alternative offer offers you 35 000 mr points but they’re actually going to be giving you 250 back and the way this works is every time you spend money they’re going to give you 10 off of that total amount until you get 250 back in savings now personally for me i would still go with the 60 000 mr points because i know i can find more value than the one cent a one point redemption but if you really don’t value mr points at all and you think cash back is a lot easier to get then this might be a little bit better for you but if we’re talking about points of miles credit card and math the 60 000 is just much better because you have the potential of opening that up and getting a way better redemption towards the end now like i mentioned earlier in this video it’s not just the gold card that we’re seeing among american express’s cards that are getting increased welcome bonus incentives the american express platinum card at an original 60 000 mr points is getting a 75 000 increased welcome bonus if you spend 5 000 in the first three months now with this card they’re not extending the welcome bonus minimum spend requirement like with the gold card but this is still much better than your normal offer and if you can still get an additional 10 or 15 000 mr points that is still not bad but we also have to keep in mind with the platinum card they do have the 100 000 point offer somewhere out in the world usually in order to get this you have to use the card match tool and just in case you want to check it out i will have a link to the card match tool down below in the description if you want to shoot your shot and see if maybe you can get that 100 000 platinum bonus but in this case it’s still better than the normal rate i would still include it in there as a better increase welcome bonus because it it is an increased welcome bonus now also did want to mention the blue cash everyday card so this is a no annual fee credit card with american express it’s the ones i recommend if you are starting out as a beginner with this card you can find yourself getting 200 back instead of 150 if you spend 1 000 in the first three months it also has a no intro apr promotion of 15 months and it’s a great beginner card and if you’re someone who is in a very tight financial situation right now this may actually be one of the best cards you can add to your wallet just because you may be very late into the game i would never overlook some of these basic credit cards they could be some of the best staples that you add to your wallet and not have to worry about after you get the welcome bonus with cards like this it’s such an easy way to get free cash back and the only thing i would be mindful of is the limit of how many cards you can actually hold with american express if you’re at your fourth card and you’re about to go to your fifth definitely reconsider that type of move but hey if you only have one or two cards with them and you’re trying to add a little bit more this is something i would consider doing and if you wanted to you could always downgrade or cancel the card anytime ahead in the future now i wish i had more things to talk about with chase but um ever since they added the peloton feature which i i can’t believe that they thought that was such a great idea i don’t think anything has changed with the sapphire cards there isn’t really much to talk about with chase uh the freedom flex card is still a great card they are still doing the same promotion that they’ve had since they released that card and that’s that’s pretty much it the chase freedom flex card you all need to apply for this card it’s just a great card at the moment the welcome bonus is great the the five percent grocery store back is great it’s just a great card so if you have not yet applied for the chase freedom flex card i definitely would consider doing that soon especially before chase decides to lower the welcome bonus incentive again or or bring it back to the normal industry rate also one last thing let’s talk about business credit cards because a lot of you guys are also very curious about the current approval rates for those with business credit cards the data points are showing that current approval rates are continuing to increase week by week i’m hoping by the end of the first quarter of 2021 we’re gonna be able to see things return back to normal to the way it was pre-pandemic at the moment i can’t give an exact number but i would definitely say it’s between 50 to maybe 60 70 of what it used to be so they’re not just denying all new applicants right now they’re considering a lot of people they’re placing a lot of people under review but this is still much better news than what we were hearing a few months ago where banks like chase were just absolutely denying everyone automatically if you’re denied for a business card a few months back i would reconsider trying to apply for this card sometime soon and if you do do that make sure that you have the proper information so whether you have a business checking account you have your ein on deck or you have your legal entity formed just have your basics i’ve made a lot of business credit card videos so all the details are in those as well but just have the basics you’ll be good so thank you all so much again for watching another video if you guys have not yet subscribe to the channel don’t forget to do that don’t forget to check out the links down below in the description follow me over on instagram credit brian and don’t forget to join our facebook group if you guys have not done so already but thank you all so much again for watching and until next time peace out so the american express gold card is showing a new offer where if you’re spending four thousand dollars within six months and keep in mind usually it’s a three month industry standard uh
Hey credit warriors credit shifu here and this is a short video to tell you that this is your last chance to get the 80 000 points to sign up bonus on the chase sapphire preferred I’ll put the details on screen uh for you of that bonus all right now this is an elevated bonus it used to be I think 50 000 then it was 60 000 and then recently they bumped up to 80 000 points.
Now that’s worth a thousand dollars in travel because on the sapphire preferred you get an extra 25 cents in value per point when you book travel through the chase portal so it’s 1.25 cents per point and so you know obviously we just had the election we’re not totally sure who won yet so you know if your candidate didn’t win perhaps you want to leave the country and what better for leaving the country than 80 000 points that you can use on travel to a value of a thousand dollars all right let’s try and see the lights out of the situation.
Anyway so if you do want to get that card it’s only available for a few more days i’ll tell you the exact date you have to apply by in just a moment but first of all just some details of the sapphire preferred so it earns two points per dollar on travel and dining it’s what i would call a tier three card right so it has a 95 annual fee which isn’t waived for the first year you get some other benefits which they’ve added recently like a door dash benefit etc um but yeah it’s a solid tier three card and to get the bonus you have to not be a sapphire member and remember now you’re only allowed one sapphire and you can’t have had a new card member bonus on a sapphire in the past 48 months now if you fit that criteria then well done awesome you can apply for this you can get an 80 000 point bonus worth of thousand dollars in travel through the chase portal and you have to apply for it though before november 8th so the bonus is going away on november 8th so you’ve got like including today you’ve got like basically four days fourth fifth six seven yeah i don’t know if it’s on november 8th or midnight november 8th but i would say apply before november 8th to be sure so you’ve got basically four days all right apply by the latest the seventh and if you’re thinking about you know this or the sapphire reserve i would say go for this first and then after a year upgrade to the sapphire reserve and then you can get things like lounge access et cetera because the sapphire reserve only has a fifty thousand point sign up bonus so eighty thousand versus fifty thousand come on i think it’s a no-brainer anyway guys if you are interested in this card i will put the link below as always for you to learn more about it they are affiliate links they help out our show if you want to see the advertised disclosure right at the bottom of the description section um if you do apply for it i wish you luck and i wish you much happiness enjoying spending those points on travel let me know what you think in the comments below please subscribe if you’re new and we’ll see you next time bye
so I first got into the points and miles community right after I turned 18 during time I was in college and I’ve been on Reddit I’ve been in Facebook groups and as most of you guys know I’ve been on youtube for a little bit now but I have never seen these type of historic high offers ever before in the past
Now my job in this video is going to be to educate you so none of you guys miss out on these limited-time promotions on welcome bonuses other incentives and different cashback offers that we’re seeing right now in the market and if you do appreciate videos like this where it is literally making you money it is saving you time and it’s giving you the best opportunity of maximizing the cash back you get from these credit cards hit that like button down below that’s all I ask you guys just destroy do whatever you want to the like button hit it down below and before we get started with this video one last thing comment down below let’s see uh comment down below your favorite drink my favorite drink is water if I’m not drinking water I’ve been drinking a lot more tea lately comment down below what your favorite drink is that’ll help this video get pushed out and help other people find out about these offers as well
Okay so i’m just gonna start with some of the most urgent ones first and then we’re gonna go down the list and talk about some other promotions that you need to know about for the first one we have the chase sapphire preferred sitting at an all-time high welcome bonus of 80 000 ultimate reward points this historic high offer actually ends on november 8th so if you guys are watching this video right now and you don’t have the chase sapphire preferred and you’re under the 524 rule and disclaimer if you don’t know what the 524 rule is i’ve made a full guide video on that that i’ll have listed down below in the description so make sure you watch this video all the way through and if you don’t know what the 524 rule is watch that video before you decide to apply for a card like this so back to the chase sapphire preferred just in case you don’t realize how much 80 000 you are points is let me just break it down for you if you’re able to meet the minimum spend requirement to achieve the welcome bonus for this card of 80 000 ur points at a 1.1 cent redemption that is 800 in cash as many of you guys who are already familiar with my channel and how credit cards work you know that the one cent to one point redemption is at the bare minimum low many people can often find themselves getting a much higher redemption of anywhere from two cent to one point or even to three cents to one point which is not too difficult to get we’re just gonna play it safe though we’re gonna say it’s one cent to one point and even at that rate you’re getting eight hundred dollars cash back and you’re paying a 95 annual fee so if we do the gross profit on that you are still making 700 off just holding this one card if you decide after holding this card for one whole year you pay that annual fee you get that welcome bonus and you realize this card may not be for me all you have to do is downgrade this card into the chase freedom flex or the chase freedom unlimited card and you’re pretty much just keeping that welcome bonus you achieve that first year with this card which is just free money now if you have trouble spending that four thousand dollars in three months i know back a few years ago i definitely would have had trouble doing that coming out of school as a college student not putting that much spend because frankly i just wasn’t making that much money if you have bills to pay if you have utilities if you have rent if you have a car payment you guys could actually do something very interesting that not a lot of people are taking advantage of so this is all about taking advantage of a program called plastiq pretty much you’re able to get your credit card link it to this website and they’ll send a check out to whatever company or bill or auto loan or mortgage or or rent utility you name it they’ll send out a check to whatever place you owe money to you can pay with your credit card you can get the welcome bonus you can get the additional points and they pretty much just cover it on your behalf keep in mind they do normally charge a fee in order for you to use their service this is how they sustain themselves as a business but plastiq was actually kind enough to send us a special link so this link is one of the best ones you guys can take right now because any referral friend offer and even the public welcome bonus which doesn’t give you anything this is gonna be giving you fifteen hundred dollars of fee free dollars check it out down below in the description it really is the best link to take right now and if you can’t hit any of the welcome bonuses for these cards this is one of the best ways you can do it now with the chase sapphire preferred 80 000 welcome bonus points they still limit you to that three months unlike the american express gold card where you’re getting almost double the welcome bonus that you can normally get with the industry standard rate and they’re actually extending the minimum spend requirement time length from three months to six months so with american express it works out pretty well because they can’t accept plastic like we just mentioned so six months to spend four thousand dollars it really isn’t that difficult for many people at all so if you are looking to sign up for a new card you have the chase sapphire card or maybe you’re over 524 or you just don’t want to deal with chase right now the next best offer i’m gonna mention to you is the american express gold with this card you can find yourself getting 60 000 mr points instead of 35 000. i have personally never seen an offer as good as this before ever since this card got revamped now you know what else is even more interesting one of our facebook group members actually got an offer for the american express gold card for 75 000 mr points if you had told me this six months ago i would never have believed it this is a card that was so good that sold so many people just with the appearance and the cashback rates that it provided that they never really had to increase the welcome bonus offer for a card like this but now we’re seeing them double it and it’s absolutely insane if you don’t have the american express gold card first thing i’m going to say is don’t be intimidated just because it’s the american express gold card and it sounds all prestigious they actually accept a lot more applicants based off the data points i’ve seen than chase actually does with new applicants what this means is you could have less than a 700 score and i’ve seen people still get automatically approved for american express but if you guys have trouble getting approved for some of these cards your score isn’t the best but you know that this is an offer too good to pass up check out some of my older videos talking about how to get approved for any credit card out on the market i talk about some secret methods and you can learn all about it in those videos if you do happen to get denied or your application says pending you have to use some of my older methods that i’ve talked about on this channel it will get you approved now although these are some great offers i do always have to mention make sure that this card makes sense for you if you’re not eating out if you have too many annual fees to pay or your income has really taken a hit during this illness you want to be mindful about the cards that you apply for and don’t just get hooked in because of the high mr welcome bonus that they’re offering if you’re someone who’s been sitting on the other side of the court though and you’ve been looking at applying for a card like this and you’ve just been waiting for some type of special opportunity this is it i really don’t see it getting much better than this this is the historic welcome bonus for both of these cards actually and if you’re looking to apply to get the most amount of value right now is the best time don’t sleep on it i don’t imagine them extending these promotions all the way till the end of the year or going on for as long as we know these offers come and go and the last thing you want to do is miss out on them now aside from the gold card american express has mentioned some additional promotions with some of their other cards now it’s not every single one of american express’s cards it looks like they are being pretty selective about the cards that are getting increased welcome bonuses at this time now another great promotion i wanted to talk about was with ebates so anytime i do decide to shop online i always activate ebates so for anyone who doesn’t know what ebates is it’s pretty much a cashback portal you can sign in you can buy things you do nothing you literally use their portal and they give you additional free money and savings on the shopping that you’re already doing now i’ve been with ebates for a while but i’ve never seen a historic high offer like this so at this time they’re actually offering you 40 dollars if you sign up with them and then you use the cashback portal when you buy something online i know holidays like black friday cyber monday they’re going to come out of nowhere and we’re going to be like where is the time gone if you do decide to shop online this portal literally makes you free money costs you nothing you don’t have to pay anything to use it it makes you free money and they’re having a 40 promotion right now so if you guys use the link down below it’s going to be a referral link i get 40 bucks you get 40 bucks and if you do decide to sign up you should really consider referring some of your other friends if they don’t have a cash back portal like this because it is just free money there there’s nothing to lose and if you can refer other friends they get 40 bucks you get 40 bucks and you refer maybe three or five people you’ve just made yourself a couple extra hundred dollars by literally doing nothing so instead of working at the job you have to or selling you know a million sneakers you could just refer like two or three friends with ebates check it out it will be listed down below in the description if you don’t have it this is an essential extension that you need to add to your arsenal now alongside that i will have other free resources listed down below in the description of the video on top of that i will have credit card links that will take you to the american express gold card or the chase staff i prefer if you guys do plan on applying make sure that you are able to get the best offer and rate for those cards if you do decide to apply and if you apply using my links down below that directly helps support this channel and i just want to say thank you all to everyone using those links thank you all so much again for watching today’s video i appreciate every single one of you and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one peace out you