Windows live mail error 0x8de00005

windows live mail error 0x8de00005

Windows Live Mail Error 0x8de00005 is a critical error which generally indicates that there is a problem with the Windows Mail program itself. When this error occurs, users may not be able to send or receive emails, and may see an error message stating that the program has stopped working.

There a few ways that you can try to fix the Windows Mail error 0x8de00005. The first is to restart your computer. If this does not fix the problem, you can try reinstalling Windows Mail. If this still does not fix the issue, you may need to reinstall your operating system.


Windows Live Mail Error 0x8de00005 is a Microsoft Outlook Error that is caused by either an Invalid Address or a Corrupted Address Book.

Author: Yemliha Toker

I am a professional SEO Specialist and E-commerce specialist. Through my website, I am trying to help everyone who wants to learn SEO and to report the wrong known facts about SEO.

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